Thursday, September 29, 2011

Journal 3

1.  Cite three specific examples of Hodgman’s descriptive imagery that you find to be particularly effective. 

Hodgman uses descriptive imagery to communicate to the reader how gross and nearly inedible the dog food was.  Hodgman admits that when she was younger she thought Gaines-burgers were a luxury for her dog to eat when she says, “Gaines-burgers are neither mush nor nuggets.  They are rather, a miracle of beauty and packaging...”  Then, she continues with describing how terrible the dog food looked and tasted.  Hodgman often uses humor as a tool to describe the dog food as well; specifically, she says, “You could make one at home if you had a Play-Doh Fun Factory.”  Hodgman also bluntly describes the horrorible and misleading food that she saw after she opened the packaging.  In a honest and comical way, she describes the chicken saying, “Chunky chicken? There were chunks in the can, certainly—big, purplish-brown chunks.

2.  What do you think Hodgman’s purpose was in writing this essay?  What overall message/meaning do you take from the essay?
I think Hodgman’s purpose for writing the essay was to deliver the truth about dog food, in case someone similar to her ever wondered what it was really like.  For example, in the beginning of the essay, she admits that she has “always wondered about dog food.”  Also, Hodgman uses the essay to uncover dishonesty of advertising.  The message I take from the essay is as a consumer, you should beware of advertisement dishonesty.

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